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Production- Limited edition craftsman wine.


Variety - Godello and Doña Blanca.

Vineyards and elaboration  -  More than 60 years, 500- 700 m height. Each variety is fermented separately in order to keep and obtain the maximum attributes from each one. After final evaluation and tasting of both wines the coupage is made in order to guarantee the similar tasting experience every year.

The appearance 
- pale yellow colour with pale reflections, transparent and medium intensity

The nose 

-  high aromatic intensity, tropical predominant notes like pineapple or banana.

- Second type citrus grapefruit

The palata 

- intensity media, evolving long from a light sweetness initial, acidity fresh and balanced.

- Round in sensations and aftertaste long.


Carreño Godello 


Grilled white fish, Rice


Godello and  Doña Blanca


Served at 6°C

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©2020 by Bodegas Manuel Carreño | CONTACTO
Cabañas Raras, Barrio los Rubios, C/ Reguerin nº15, 24404, León

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